The fourth ReFEEHS thematic workshop was held at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Medicine, Serbia, from May 9-11 2018. Representatives of the partner institutions, from Serbia and EU, regulatory bodies and health professionals, participated in the Workshop.
The Workshop was consisted of three plenary sessions:
- During the first session the importance of the quality assurance and evaluation in health professions education was discussed (lecturer: prof Ljiljana Tasic), as well as challenges in experiential education quality assurance: an academic perspective (prof Petar Bulat) and a professional practice perspective (prim dr Branka Lazic).
- Lecturers at the second plenary sessions were from EU partner institutions. They presented their experiences. Prof Martin Henman, Trinity College, University of Dublin, spoke about practice, mentors and their collaboration with the Universities. Prof Afonso Cavaco presented different documents and tools for quality assurance of the experiential education from the Lisbon Faculty of Pharmacy perspective. Colleagues form the University of Pecs (dr Reka Vajda), presented the simulation centre equipped with various simulators / manikins for training students.
- The third session was devoted to results of ReFEEHS project important for quality assurance and improvement of health professionals’ education in real-life environment. The Standards for students/clinical practice, Guidelines for students, Guidelines for menthors (Prof Dusanka Krajnovic) and E-platform for experiential education (Prof Marina Odalović i Prof Milos Bajcetic) were presented.
After these sessions the interactive World Café workshop was held on several topics:
- Quality Experiential Education
- Interprofessional Education in Health Sciences
- Confidentiality in Health Professions Education
- The Importance of Teaching Competencies in Academic Promotion
- Creating the Culture of Evaluation in University Teaching
The objective of this session was to provide an opportunity to discuss emerging topics related to quality health professions education and explore constructive possibilities for action and further improvement. Moderators were: Prof Nada Kovačević, Prof Snežana Medić, Prof Lidija Radulović, Prof Ivanka Marković, Prof Petar Bulat, Prof Jelena Parojčić, Prof Ljiljana Tasić, Prof Dragana Lakić, Asst Prof Marina Odalović, Asst Prof Miloš Bajčetić, Asst Prof Martin Popević, Asst Prof Milan Stančić, Asst Prof Vladeta Milin, Zlatko Petrović
See gallery below:

Meeting presentations are available below:
Prof. Petar Bulat: Challenges in experiential education quality assurance: an academic perspective
Zlatko Petrovic: Personal data protection – professional practice and personal responsibilities
Prof. Dušanka Krajnović: Presentation of QA documents developed through ReFEEHS project
Agenda and Meeting Proceeding Book are available.
The list of participants is available here.
You can also see the workshop Report.