Category: News
Continuing education programme “Teaching Certificate in Health Professions Education programme”
New second generation of academics is finishing up!
The final meeting / workshop will be held on Tuesday, June 25 2019, at the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade (classroom in the attic) starting at 12:00. Join us in the World Cafe interactive discussion!
See the agenda.
EACEA final report on ReFEEHS Project results and deliverables
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Unit Erasmus+: Higher Education – International Capacity Building, provided the results of the assessment of the Final Technical Implementation Report and the Financial Statement.
Overall, the ReFEEHS Project implementation was rated as successful
ReFEEHS Project Team would like to thank all working parties, stakeholders, students and colleagues who took the role in project activities.
We look forward seeing and tracking further exploitation of the Project results.
Final Symposium, University of Belgrade Rectorate
The Final Symposium was held in Rectorate of the University of Belgrade on 10th October 2018 year. Tatjana Cvetkovski from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development, Ivana Živadinović from the National Erasmus+ office and Prof Ljiljana Tasić, project coordinator, has given introductory remarks, and presented the essential information and the importance of the ReFEEHS activities, results and outputs. Assoc. Prof. Dusanka Krajnović (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Pharmacy) presented the Experiential education working group activities, outputs and documents that were produced. Thereafter, Prof. Zoran Komazec (University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Medicine) presented the results of the Interprofessional education working group activities including the handbook “Interprofesional education” that was published as one of the results. Results of the third working group “Teaching competencies development” presented Assist. Prof. Miloš Bajčetić (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Medicine). At the end, the panel discussion “Impacts and contributions of the ReFEEHS project in improvement of the health professionals’ higher education in the Republic of Serbia” was organized. The final symposium was finished with the ceremony of the awarding certificates to the graduates of Teaching Competencies Development program by Prof Nada Kovacevic, program coordinator.
The agenda is available here.
You can see the presentations from the Final symposium below:
Dušanka Krajnović: Experiential education working group activities outputs
Zoran Komazec: Interprofessional education working group activities outputs
Miloš Bajčetić: Teaching competencies development working group activities outputs
The handbook “Interprofesional education” is available here
The list of participants is available here
The gallery is presented below:

ReFEEHS Wrap-up meeting and Final Symposium Agenda
During the period from 10th to 13th October the ReFEEHS Wrap-up meeting will be organised. This meeting includes the Final meeting on 10th October that will be held in Rectorate of the University of Belgrade.
You can see the Agenda here.