ReFEEHS Structured Study Visit 1 (Sofia, June 8-10, 2016)
Academic staff from four Serbian universities visited Medical University of Sofia in the period of June 8-10th, 2016. Presentations were held on Day 1, with topics regarding postgraduate education of healthcare professionals, while modules of practical training in graduate education were presented and discussed on Day 2. Academic staff visits to clinics (St. Ekaterina Hospital, Aleksandrovska University Hospital, Dental Clinic) and other educational facilities (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy) were also organized. Representatives of the Bulgarian Association of the Physicians, Bulgarian Association of dental physicians, Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Association, and Bulgarian Association of health professionals held presentations on Day 3. Consortium Meeting was held on the second day of the structured study visit with the participation of the representatives from Trinity College Dublin and University of Pecs.
The presentations are available below:
Postgraduate education of pharmaceutical professionals, Prof. Guenka Petrova
Postgraduate education of nurses and other health care professionals, Prof. Magdalena Alexandrova
Postgraduate training in dental medicine, Prof. Maya Rashkova
Postgraduate education of medical professionals, Prof. Vasil Dimitrov
Continuing education for pharmacists, Todor Naydenov
Agenda is available here.
The report is available here.