Final project Open day
The ReFEEHS Project and its’ results with particular emphasize on the ReFEEHS project publications, were presented at the final project Open day held within the VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy, October 10-14th, 2018, in Belgrade. Among presented publication were Proceedings books from project Thematic Workshops 1-4, The Excerpt from the Need for Change report, project leaflet and Info letters, as well as Handbooks, including the newest related to the Interprofessional education.

Along with the ReFEEHS publications, participants had opportunity to get to know about the main project activities and results presented at the video prepared at the end of the project. Additionally, a short quiz has been organized for teacher practitioners, participants of the Open day, where those who have given correct answers on questions about good mentorship have been awarded by the badge with the title “The best mentor”.

List of participant is available here.
Open Day 4
The “Open Day” was held on 2nd of December 2017 at the University of Kragujevac – Faculty of Medical Sciences. Open day was held to promote ReFEEHS project and to present its achieved results. Students and teachers of four study programs of medical sciences (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing) were able to ascertain more about learning based on experience, interprofessional education and the development of teacher competencies. The project representatives familiarize students and teachers about the beginning of the common elective course Interprofessional Education, which was developed within the project. Also, the participants were informed about the project website and Facebook page where they can learn more about the project and project activities.

Open day presentation is available here.
Open Day 3
Promotional panel “Quality in education of healthcare professionals” was held at the Institute of Public Health of Serbia Dr Milan Jovanović-Batut, Belgrade, on June 30, 2017.
Prof. Ivanka Popović, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Cooperation of the University of Belgrade and Prof. Nikola Tanić, Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, opened the panel and welcomed the participants. Prof. Ljiljana Tasić, project coordinator, introduced the attendees with the ReFEEHS project objectives and so far achieved results.
Representatives from Academia, healthcare professionals associations and chambers, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, The National Council for Higher Education, as well as healthcare professionals from the primary and secondary/tertiary health care institutions, and the students, took an active part in the panel.
Numerous aspects regarding the quality of education of healthcare professionals were discussed. Current state and the importance of quality education for healthcare in Serbia were addressed by Prof. Berislav Vekić, State Secretary at Ministry of Health. Prim. dr Periša Simonović, Assistant Director at Institut of Public health of Serbia Milan Jovanović-Batut, presented both the current and needed structure of employees in the Serbian health care system. Representatives of the healthcare professionals chambers discussed their role in continuing education and development. Professors from the School of Medicine and medical doctors employed in primary and secondary/tertiary health care institutions as mentors/preceptors shared their experience with the students’ professional/clinical practice. A constructive discussion was raised, giving recommendations for future students’ practice improvement. Results from the pilot project entitled „Students’ professional practice 2017“ conducted for the pharmacy students, were also presented to the public.
A representative from The National Council for Higher Education explained the requirements for students’ professional/clinical practice, regarding accreditation, number and ratio of theoretical and practical classes, and a number of ECTS points that could be earned.
Panel presentations are available below:
- ReFEEHS outputs– Prof. Ljiljana Tasić, project coordinator, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Pharmacy
- Clinical practice of medical students – Prof. Petar Bulat, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Medicine
- Teaching of general medicine at Faculty of medicine in Belgrade – Prof. Dimitra Kalimanovska-Oštrić, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Medicine
- Experience from primary healthcare practical placement sites – Prim. dr Dragana Trifunović-Balanović, Director of Clinical hospital Center Zvezdara
- Experience from secondary/tertiary healthcare practical placement sites – Prof. Dragoslav Milošević, Assist. prof. Predrag Erceg Clinical hospital Center Zvezdara
- Experience from professional practice for pharmacy students – Mr ph. spec. Dragana Jocić, Pharmacy Benu
- The accreditation of students professional practice curricula – Prof. Damnjan Radosavljević, National Council for Higher Education
- Healthcare professionals in Serbian healthcare system and education – Prim. dr Periša Simonović, Institute of public health of Serbia Dr Milan Jovanovic – Batut
Agenda is available here.
The list of participants is available here
See gallery below.

Open Day 2
The second Open Day, within the project dissemination activities was held at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš. A total of 140 participants visited the venue and were provided with the leaflets and other promotional material. Students were encouraged to follow the Project Facebook page and website, where they can get any information needed.
The Open Day preceeded the main event ReFEEHS Thematic Workshop 3 named “Competencies based outcomes in healthcare professions education”, held in Niš on June 1-3, 2017.

Open Day 1
Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad was the venue for ReFEEHS Open Day activities, where students of all healthcare professions were informed about the ReFEEHS project aims by brochures and display screens. The dissemination activities preceeded the main event ReFEEHS Thematic Workshop 2 named “Current practice and challenges in interprofessional education of healthcare professionals”, held in Novi Sad on November 18-20, 2016.