A summary of the ReFEEHS project deliverables from 2015 to 2018
The 5th course of the continuing education programme “Teaching Certificate in Health Professions Education programme”
The final module “Teaching with Technology” of the continuing education programe was held at all four Serbian universities (University of Belgrade, University of Novi-Sad, University of Kragujevac and University of Nis). The programme was held during the period Jun – September 2018 year. The entire two-day programme was performed by Asst Prof. Miloš Bajčetić (University of Belgrade – School of Medicine).
The basics of the “e-learning” were presented during the first day of the programme. After introduction, the first workshop about Moodle e-lecture was held. During the the second day participants attended the workshop ““Test in Moodle – different types of test questions in Moodle, preparing of database of test questions”.
After this two-day program participants were able to self-create an on-line course on Moodle platform.
See the gallery:

The agenda is available here.
The 3rd and 4th courses of the continuing education programme “Teaching Certificate in Health Professions Education programme”
The 3rd and 4th courses of the continuing education programme “Teaching Health Sciences in the academic context” and “Teaching and mentoring in the clinical setting” were held at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Medicine on 10th of May 2018. These courses included discussion about homework tasks from the 2nd module and workshops. Discussion was led by Assoc. Prof Lidija Radulović, Assist. Prof Vladeta Milin and Assist. Prof Milan Stancic, from the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philosophy.
Two workshops were held after by Assist. prof Theo Ryan and Prof Martin Henman, Trinity College, University of Dublin.
The first workshop was dedicated to the development of an objective structured clinical examination (Objective Structured Clinical Examinations – OSCE). Assist. Prof Theo Ryan introduced this method as very important not only for assessing the clinical competence, but also for the development and acquisition of competencies in students of health sciences.
The second workshop was devoted to discussion of the practical aspects of tutoring during learning in the real working environment. Through an interactive workshop prof. Henman has presented examples from Trinity College in Dublin, and presented the guidelines and standards for teaching in a real working environment that can be significant to establish a quality system of education of health professionals in Serbia.
See the gallery:

See the presentations:
Supervision and Teaching in Clinical Practice settings – practical aspects, Facilitator: Assoc. Prof. Martin Henman, Trinity College Dublin
Teaching Competencies Development – OSCE Development, Facilitator: Asst. Prof. Theo Ryan, Trinity College, University of Dublin
Agenda is available here.
The 2nd course of the continuing education programme “Teaching Certificate in Health Professions Education programme”
The 2nd course of the continuing education programme “Teaching Certificate in Health Professions Education programme” was held at the University of Belgrade- Faculty of Dentistry. The second course “Teaching, learning and knowledge assessment within the field of medical science” included introductory lectures and workshops.
Lectures and discussions were led by Assoc. prof. Dr. Lidija Radulović, Assist. prof. Dr. Vladeta Milin and Assist. prof. Dr. Milan Stancic, from the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philosophy, Assist. prof. Marina Odalovic and Prof. Jelena Parojcic from the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Pharmacy, prof. Dr Martin Henman from the Trinity College of Dublin and Martin Popević from the University of Belgrade – School of Medicine.
See the gallery:

The agenda is available here.
The external courses on teaching competencies development completed
During 2017 year (April-June) six academic staff members from the University of Belgrade – School of Medicine, successfully completed the on-line course “Essential Skills in Medical Education” organized by the Association for Medical Education in Europe from Dundee, Scotland (UK ). The attendees were: Emina Savic Milosevic, Jelena Rakocevic, Andjelka Isakovic, Ivan Zaletel, Milos Bajcetic and Sanja Despotovic.
Their Certificates in medical education can be seen here:
Emina Savic Milosevic, Jelena Rakocevic, Andjelka Isakovic, Ivan Zaletel, Milos Bajcetic and Sanja Despotovic
During 2017 and 2018 year five academic staff members RS universities successfully completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education from the University of Dundee, Scotland (UK ). The attendees were: Vesna Miletić, Marina Odalović, Dragana Lakić (University of Belgrade), Dijana Stojanović (University of NIš), and Vladimir Živković (University of Kragujevac).
Their Certificates are availabe here:
Vesna Miletić, Marina Odalović, Dragana Lakić, Dijana Stojanović, and Vladimir Živković
Continuing education programme “Teaching Certificate in Health Professions Education programme”
University of Belgrade-School of medicine is the host of continuing education programme, which has started on March 16th, 2018. The programme is designed specifically for the academic staff from the four state Serbian universities-participants in the ReFEEHS project, as well as for the students’ clinical/professional practice mentors. Education will be performed through five Modules (expected duration 5 months), including lectures, workshops, and e-learning.
On successful completion of the course, the participants will be able to:
- apply contemporary principles and standards of quality assurance in academic teaching and delivering clinical/professional practice for health professionals – medicine, dental medicine, pharmacy and nursing;
- create teaching materials/literature in accordance with the planned outcomes;
- develop a personal model for mentoring work during the students’ clinical/professional practice;
- plan, create and apply different teaching methods in academic teaching and delivering clinical/professional practice;
- plan and implement different methods of students’ knowledge and competencies assessment in academic teaching;
- use e-learning and IT in academic teaching;
- critically appraise modern strategies for improving the quality of education for health professionals.
See gallery.

The program is available here.
Realization of common elective subject Interprofessional education – University of Novi Sad
The University of Novi Sad realized a common elective course in the spring semester. Prof. Zoran Komazec was opened and presented the course to students of four study programs (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing). Workshops (acute coronary syndrome, diabetes and geriatrics) where held on the following dates: 22 May, 26 May and 5 June 2018. Students communicated with each other and learned from each other’s with the aim to suggested the importance of all health professions in order to achieve the highest benefit for the patient.
Lecture and workshops photographs:

The Common Elective Course Interprofessional Education has started at the University of Nis – Faculty of Medicine
The first schedule of the course Interprofessional Education was held on December 7th 2017 year at the University of Nis – Faculty of Medicine. Prof. Vladmila Bojanic and Assist. Prof. Aleksandra Catic Djordjevic were opened and presented the course to students of four study programs (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing). The first workshop, where the case study of „Acute coronary syndrome“ will be discussed, is scheduled for December 11th 2017 year.
Workshops photographs:

The first workshop of the common elective course Interprofessional Education – University of Kragujevac
On Saturday, 2nd December 2017, the first workshop of the common elective course Interprofessional Education was held at University of Kragujevac – Faculty of Medical Sciences. A group of students from different study programs (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing) discussed the case study of „Acute coronary syndrome“ and jointly proposed a plan to provide the best health care services for the patient. Students communicated with each other and learned from each other’s with the aim to understand and pin out the importance of all health professions. Facilitators of the workshop were very satisfied with the activity of students.

More photographs:

The first schedule of the course Interprofessional Education – University of Belgrade
The first schedule of the course Interprofessional Education was held on November 25th 2017 year at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Medicine. Teachers and students of different faculties (faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade) were attended. Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Belgrade Prof. Tanja Jovanovic and Vice Dean for Education, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade and Prof. Marina Milenkovic were opened the course.
Introductory remarks on teaching and exploring the content of the course were presented by Prof. Ljiljana Tasic, and Assist. Prof. Danijela Đukić-Ćosić. As a support of the course learning materials, lessons and on-line literatures were created on an electronic platform.
The first schedule of the course Interprofessional Education:

Workshops photographs:

ReFEEHS pilot project “Students’ professional practice 2017”
EE (Experiential Education) Working Group members conducted the pilot project, in collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy-University of Belgrade management and vice-dean for teaching. The project was successfully completed in partnership with the community pharmacists as the mentors/preceptors.
The project was conducted towards accomplishing one of the main ReFEEHS project objectives – Reinforcement and modernization of experiential education (clinical experience, students’ professional practice) curricula in health sciences, including medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing.
Detailed project report is available here.
Teaching competencies development survey
Teaching competencies development survey has been conducted with the following aims: (i) to explore current teaching competencies requirements for promotion as academic staff at institutions, participants of the ReFEEHS consortium, and (ii) to explore academic staff practices and experiences, needs, attitudes and beliefs related to pedagogical activities and teaching competencies development. The survey have been conducted among Erasmus+ ReFEEHS consortium, and the data have been gathered during the period May-July 2017. Contact persons have been asked to complete the questionnaire related to teaching competencies requirements/criteria for promotion at their institutions, in line with the first aim of the survey. Online, anonymous questionnaire has been developed in line with the second aim of the survey and. This questionnaire has been distributed among academic staff employed at the schools of Medicine, Dental Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy at the eight higher education institutions, members of the ReFEEHS consortium. In total, 104 academic staff members (75 from RS and 29 from EU) participated in the study. Study population was consisted of full professors (26%), associate professors (19%) and assistant professors (55%).
Teaching competencies development survey report is available here
Survey form is available here
Equipment purchased – University of Nis
Through the ReFEESH project, equipment and new literature was provided for students of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and nursing, at Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš. Mobile Data Collector® is used for in vivo measurement of skin capacitance as a parameter of hydration of stratum corneum. Beside the possibility of measurements in the pharmacy, the device also demonstrates the method and principle of measurement during the lectures. Brookfield CT-3 Texture Analyzer is used to estimate the texture parameters of samples made during the practical work of pharmacy students (hardness, consistency, cohesiveness, stickiness, adhesiveness and spreadability). Purchased turbines and collars are necessary for conducting practical lessons in dental studies.
Purchased computer equipment makes it easy to work in laboratories and classrooms, allows students of all medical profiles to use literature in electronic form, as well as to make online access to sites of importance. New literature is necessary for the practical work of students in the simulating pharmacy, because it informs about the properties of medicinal and auxiliary substances used in practical work, methods of their identification, procedures that they can use in the preparation of pharmaceutical preparations as well as methods for testing manufactured preparations. Therefore, it enables the harmonization of the level of knowledge of our students with students in the EU.

Equipment purchased – University of Novi Sad
Equipment purchased for the Erasmus+ project Reinforcement of the Framework for Experiential Education in Healthcare in Serbia (ReFEEHS) for the Medical faculty Universtity of Novi Sad includes:
- HAL – Advanced Life Support and Emergency Care Simulator and accessories
- (Wireless Control Option, Microsoft Surface Tablet, and Bluetooth Speaker)
- Urinary Catheterization Option
- HAL Adult Airway and CPR Trainer with Heart and Lung Sounds
- Multipurpose Venous Training Left Arm
- Intramuscular and Injection Hip
- Package ALSi “Air”
The above-mentioned equipment will be used to establish a Center for medical education and simulation at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad. The Ceter is a purpose-built environment for undergraduate inter-professional education. The training will cover students of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing. It will be conducted in mixed teams of students from these study programs. The main objective of this training is to improve the clinical and decision-making skills in a variety of simulated situations, practicing teamwork and problem-solving in future clinical work.
The value of purchased equipment is 38.000 EUR.

Equipment Purchased – University of Belgrade
The majority of equipment purchase planned within the project application have been completed by the M18. Centralized tendering procedure was conducted by the University of Belgrade, as project coordinator. Public Call for Tender was announced in M13 (October 2016). Each partner institution defined the list of equipment in line with their specific priorities and allocated budget. Technical specification for equipment purchase included a total of 8 lots (grouped according to type of equipment and partner institutions). Valid offers were received for 6 lots, and relevant subcontracting procedures were conducted in line with with the E+CBHE Guidelines of the Use of the Grant and national legislation. Repeated call for tender for the remaining two lots (i.e. part of the Lot1 IT Equipment and Lot6 –anatomical teaching specimens for dental medicine) were announced in M18 (April 2017).
The educational equipment acquired is installed at the RS partner HEIs and implemented in undergraduate teaching and learning for about 2500 health profession students as preparation for their professional practical/clinical placements.
The educational equipment acquired include:
- Books and pedagogic material
Lexicomp clinical drug information database (3-year licence) which provides drug information, including dosing, administration, warnings and precautions, as well as clinical practice guidelines is available to academic community (health professions students and teaching staff, including preceptors/practice supervisors); European Pharmacopea, and a number of textbooks related to health sciences, has been purchased and available to academic staff and students.
- Audio-visual equipment
Audio-visual equipment for practical sessions capture and projection has been purchased for the Simulated Pharmacy Lab at the University of Belgrade.
- Computers and software
Desktop and laptop computers, projectors and interactive classroom board have been acquired and are available to academic staff and students at the University of Belgrade,
- Lab material
Instruments (turbine and hand pieces) for practical training of dental medicine students have been acquired at the University of Niš.
- Various equipment for different simulation labs
Different types of mannequines intended for practicing of different health care procedures as a preparation for clinical/practical placement, and interprofessional training of different health profession students was purchased at the University of Belgrade and University of Novi Sad. Human psysiology teaching kit and treadmill were purchased at the University of Kragujevac.
Corneometer used for determination of skin hydration level was purchased at the University of Niš. Different medical devices (nebulizers, manual and automatic blood pressure monitors), medicines compounding equipment (powder mixer, unguator and capsulae filling machine), and bar code readers necessary for adequate simulation of drug dispensing process were purchased for the Simulate Pharmacy Lab at the University of Belgrade.
Call for tender has been repeated for part of the Lot1 (IT equipment) and Lot6 (anatomical specimens for dental medicine).

Equipment purchesed – University of Belgrade – Faculty of Dentistry

Equipment purchased – University of Kragijevac
- Oxygen consumption measuring device (brand name: COSMED Treadmill T170)
The Oxygen Consumption Measurement Device serves for ergospirometric determination of the individual’s aerobic capacity by measuring the absolute and relative maximum oxygen consumption (VO2)max and following parameters: heart rate, respiration rate, respiratory ventilation, carbon dioxide production, respiratory coefficient, oxygen pulse, ECG and others. This device will be of crucial importance in the conduction of teaching process of the new elective subject Sports Medicine, which will be introduced for the first time in our country in the curriculum of the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Kragujevac.
- Teaching kit for Physiology (brand name: HK-TA Human Physiology Teaching Kit)
The set of teaching equipment for Physiology is used to conduct praxis in various fields of Physiology (cardiovascular, neuromuscular and respiratory measurements). This set of equipment enables a modern and efficient mastering of basic physiological measurements (ECG, pulse, arterial pressure, auscultation of heart tones, spirometry, electromyography, spinal reflexes) by using contemporary technical instruments with associated softver (LabScribe3), thanks to which the understanding and analysis of the acquired skills is facilitated.
Based on the data obtained through ReFEEHS survey for academic staff and academic students, Preparation Working group prepared report which includes overview of the current situation related to awareness and attitudes of academic staff and students on interprofessional education at four Universities from Serbia, partners ReFEEHS projects.
Detailed report is available here.
ReFEEHS Survey on Interprofessional Education (IPE)
ReFEEHS Interprofessional Education (IPE) Survey for academic staff was conducted with the aim to assess academic staff attitudes related to this method of education. The survey was conducted from 15 October 2016 to 15 January 2017 at the four RS universities – University of Belgrade, University of Kragujevac, University of Niš and University of Novi Sad. Total number of respondents was 303 (55.1% academic staff of Medicine study program, 23.8% Pharmacy, 20.8% Dental Medicine and 0.3% Nursing). The results provide insights into the attitudes of academic staff on the importance of interprofessional education as foundation for improved quality of healthcare services and readiness for IPE implementation in Serbia. Overview of the survey results will be included in the REFFEHS 3 Report.
ReFEEHS IPE questionnaire for academic staff is available here:
ReFEEHS Need for change report
Project preparation working group analysed the fullfiled questionnaires and prepared the report on academic staff, students, and health care professionals attitudes toward current situation with professional practice, need for introducing interprofessional education and curricula, and improvement in teaching compenecies. Working group members performed SWOT analysis and gave the recommendations for further improvement.
ReFEEHS Need for change report was completed in March 2016, and was taken as the ground topic for the ReFEEHS Project Thematic Workshop 1, entitled Current practice and challenges in education within the health professions, held in Kragujevac from april 1-2, 2016.
The Need for change report is available here.

ReFEEHS Survey – Students’ professional practice, interprofessional education and teaching competencies development
The survey assessing attitudes of academic staff and students towards students’ professional practice, interprofessional education and teaching competencies development was conducted in February 2016. ReFEEHS Working group developed the questionnaire, which was distributed to four Serbian universities, health care professionals associations and chambers, as well as to the health care institutions. A total of 1508 respondents completed the questionnaire (students 58%, academic staff 27% and health care professionals 15%). Within the academics and health care professionals, the majority of respondents were medical doctors (59% i 60%, respectively). Pharmacy students were the most frequent in completing the survey (43%).
Survey results are available below:
ReFEEHS Survey – academic staff
ReFEEHS Survey – mentors/preceptors