Within the ReFEEHS project final event, Workshop entitled „Health professions education for 21st century“ has been organized. Assoc Prof Martin Henman from the University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Afonso Cavaco from the University of Lisbon, Faculty of Pharmacy, and prof Ljiljana Tasić from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Pharmacy, has presented the most important issues related to the topic of the Workshop. The workshop has served as a corner stone for defining of paths within project results sustainability.
The agenda is available here
The list of participants is available here.
Presentations are available here:
Martin Henman: Is educating pharmacists to be competent enough for the future of the profession?
Afonso Miguel Cavaco: Why clinical communication skills really matter? Some examples of effective teaching and learning methods
Ljiljana Tasić: Qualification and professional development of pharmacist – academic perspective
See the gallery below: