Academic staff from four Serbian universities and Trinity College Dublin visited University of Pecs in the period of April 26-28th, 2017. Presentations were held on Day 1-3, with topics regarding undergraduate and postgraduate education of healthcare professionals, practical training in graduate education, accreditation and financing of the Hungarian health care system. Academic staff visits to dental clinic and Medi Skills Lab – Simulation Training Center of the Medical School of the University of Pecs, were also organized.
ReFEEHS working groups meetings were held on the second day of the structured study visit with the participation of the representatives from Trinity College Dublin, University of Pecs and all four Serbian partner institutions.
Meeting presentations are available below:
- Introduction to Project and Structured study visit, Prof. Ljiljana Tasić
- Graduate education of medical professionals, Prof. Attila Miseta
- Clinical practice and internship of medical professionals, Prof. Tibor Ertl
- Graduate and postgraduate education of pharmaceutical professionals, Prof. Pal Perjesi
- Graduate and postgraduate education of dental professionals, Prof. Akos Nagy
- Licensing of health care professionals in Hungary, Ass. Prof. Dora Endrei
- Nurses and other health care professionals’ education, Prof. Jozsef Betlehem
- International relations and the strategic programme of internationalization at the University of Pecs, Dr. Istvan Tarrosy
- Financing of the Hungarian health care system, Prof. Imre Boncz
- Accreditation of health care professionals institutions in Hungary, Ass. Prof. Zsuzsanna Kives
Agenda with brief minutes is available here.
List of participants is available here.
See gallery below.