The first schedule of the course Interprofessional Education was held on December 7th 2017 year at the University of Nis – Faculty of Medicine. Prof. Vladmila Bojanic and Assist. Prof. Aleksandra Catic Djordjevic were opened and presented the course to students of four study programs (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing). The first workshop, where the case study of „Acute coronary syndrome“ will be discussed, is scheduled for December 11th 2017 year.
Month: December 2017
The first workshop of the common elective course Interprofessional Education – University of Kragujevac
On Saturday, 2nd December 2017, the first workshop of the common elective course Interprofessional Education was held at University of Kragujevac – Faculty of Medical Sciences. A group of students from different study programs (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing) discussed the case study of „Acute coronary syndrome“ and jointly proposed a plan to provide the best health care services for the patient. Students communicated with each other and learned from each other’s with the aim to understand and pin out the importance of all health professions. Facilitators of the workshop were very satisfied with the activity of students.

The first schedule of the course Interprofessional Education – University of Belgrade
The first schedule of the course Interprofessional Education was held on November 25th 2017 year at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Medicine. Teachers and students of different faculties (faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade) were attended. Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Belgrade Prof. Tanja Jovanovic and Vice Dean for Education, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade and Prof. Marina Milenkovic were opened the course.
Introductory remarks on teaching and exploring the content of the course were presented by Prof. Ljiljana Tasic, and Assist. Prof. Danijela Đukić-Ćosić. As a support of the course learning materials, lessons and on-line literatures were created on an electronic platform.