Short study visits to Trinity College Dublin (September 7-12, and 23-26, 2018)
As a part of the final project activities, six Serbian academic staff members from University of Belgrade visited Trinity College, Dublin, from 7 to 12 September, 2018. During the study visit, the representatives of University of Belgrade Faculty of Pharmacy (Prof. Ljiljana Tasić), Faculty of Medicine (Prof. Miloš Bajčetić), and Faculty of Philosophy (Prof. Snežana Medić, Prof. Lidija Radulović, Assts. Prof. Milan Stančić, and Assts. Prof. Vladeta Milin) exchanged their professional experience with hosts from Trinity College – from the Faculty of Pharmacy (Prof. Martin Henman) and the Centre of Academic Practice and e-Learning (PhD. Kiara O’Farrell and PhD. Michael Reid). Prof. Ivana Tadic (representative of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Pharmacy) made a visit from 23th to 26th September. The aim of held meetings was to examine the possibilities for ensuring the quality of realized trainings of university teachers in the field of medical sciences, as well as finding possible solutions for ensuring the sustainability of the implemented programs for professional development of university teachers.
Following the presentation of the most significant aspects of the program Improving Teacher and Mentoring Competencies for the Education of Health Professionals implemented within the ReFEEHS project and acknowledging the experience of the Centre of Academic Practice and e-Learning (CAPSL) Trinity College, many similarities, but also some differences in the approach to the realization of these trainings were recognized. A significant part of these meetings was dedicated to the search for procedures and solutions that could prevent the difficulties that are seen as common or typical in the implementation of training programs for health professionals and university teachers in this field.
A separate meeting was dedicated to gaining a deeper understanding of the pedagogical and didactical importance of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) that has been implemented in Trinity College to Dublin for the past five years. In addition to the possibility for the teachers of the University of Belgrade to become more familiar with the basic challenges in implementing this type of assessment, the meeting was an opportunity for representatives of the Faculty of Philosophy to offer their views of the role and potential of OSCE from the pedagogical point of view. As a result of the meeting, it was concluded that this form of evaluation can be seen as a very useful and inspiring instrument that could be adapted to characteristic needs, but also to the teachers’ different paradigmatic frameworks and their approach to teaching.
Agendas are available here for the first visit and here for the second visit.
See gallery.

Visit to Faculty of Pharmacy University of Lisbon (June 17-22, 2017)
Four Serbian academic staff members visited Faculty of Pharmacy University of Lisbon (FFUL) during the period June 17-22, 2017. Representatives of Serbian Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade were Prof. Jelena Parojčić, Assist. Prof. Dragana Lakić, Assist. Prof. Marina Odalović, and Teaching Assist. Milena Kovačević.
Prof. Afonso Cavaco from FFUL Social Pharmacy Department was the host of this study visit devoted to experiential education.
First meeting day was held at the FFUL. Dean Prof. Matilde Castro welcomed the participants and provided all necessary information on FFUL undergraduate studies, curricula, and pharmacy students’ professional practice. European partners’ experience in development of professional/clinical practice manual, defining requirements for mentors, students, and placement sites, as well as software support were presented to the Serbian academic staff. FFUL academic staff involved in students’ practice organization and monitoring provided participants with valuable information, recommendations and material.
Serbian representatives had a great opportunity to participate in the following activities: discussion about the information provided in professional practice manual(s), activities and competencies required for students to perform/obtain during the practice, placement sites monitoring, quality assurance plan and tools. Visits to professional practice placement sites were organized – community pharmacy and hospital pharmacy in Hospital de S. Francisco Xavier. Serbian and FFUL academic staff had discussions with preceptors/mentors, as well as with the students, in order to evaluate all the advantages, but also the drawbacks of the current model of professional/clinical practice in Portugal. Academic staff also were familiarized with the equipment used in the educational process, both at the Faculty and in pharmacies.
Agenda is available here.
See gallery.

Short study visit to Trinity College Dublin (March 28-29, 2017)
Five Serbian academic staff members visited Trinity College Dublin during the period March 28-29, 2017th. Representatives of Serbian universities were Prof. Branislava Miljković and Assist. Prof. Aleksandra Milić Lemić, Teach. Assist Martin Popević (University of Belgrade), Assist. Prof. Aleksandra Catić Đorđević (University of Niš) and Prof. Dragana Milutinović (University of Novi Sad).
Prof. Martin Henman, Assist. Prof. Dr Deirde D’Arcy, Assist. Prof. Dr Theo Ryan and Assoc. Prof. Sheila Ryder from Trinity College Dublin together with academic staff from the Centre for the Practice of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, were the host of this study visit. Serbian representatives had great opportunity to participate in the following activities: observation of junior sophister OSCEs, PebblePad demonstration, observation of clinical skills SF class at Boots facility, ComSkills demonstration, review of the first year work experience, review of design and governance of five year integrated program and observation of OSCEs of senior sophister student group.
Agenda is available here.
See gallery.
Visit 2 to Trinity College Dublin (November 21-28, 2016)
The second short stay of RS academic staff at Trinity College Dublin was realized during the period November 21-28th. Representatives of University of Belgrade (UB)– School of Medicine (Prof Tanja Jovanović), UB – School of Dental Medicine (Assts. Prof Jugoslav Ilić), UB – Faculty of Pharmacy (Prof Ljiljana Tasić, Assts. Prof Marina Odalović), University of Kragujevac (Assts. Prof Ivan Jovanović) and University of Niš (Prof Vladmila Bojanić) attended Interprofessional Learning Workshop organized by Trinity College Dublin (TCD) at St. James Hospital (Nov, 21st and 28th, 2016).
Serbian staff members participated in detailed discussion related to interprofessional education (IPE) with colleagues from Trinity College Dublin. The meeting was hosted by Dr Emer Barrett who is responsible for organisation of IPE at TCD and Assoc. Prof. Martin Henman. Along with visit of St. James Hospital, it was organized visit of Tallaght Hospital and discusion with pharmacy department staff members, representatives of TCD, related to IPE and experiential education (EE) curriculum and organization at this hospital. Assts. Prof Jugoslav Ilić visited Dental Hospital and School of Dental Sciences and had a brief discussion with prof. Derek Sullivan related to dental studies curriculum with special emphasis on experiential education. He also visited Association for Dental Education in Europe and had detailed discussion about EE and IPE for dental students. Assist Prof Marina Odalović met Asst. Prof Theo Ryan, Practice Educator, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. The meeting was devoted to APPEL supported activities in organization of EE for pharmacy students at TCD and PebblePad support in these activities. She also had a meeting related to teaching competencies development with Ciara O’Farrell, Director of the Special Purpose Professional Certificate in Academic Practice. Assist. Prof Marina Odalović also met Dr Sheila Ryder, representative of School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, TCD, and discussed related to EE for pharmacy students. Detailed discussion and brainstorming was performed with Assoc. Prof Martin Henman related to reporting and publishing on outputs reached within the scope of EE, IPE and teaching competencies development in medical education.
Agenda is available here.
See gallery.

ReFEEHS Coordination meeting Pecz (October 18-19, 2016)
Representatives of the University of Pecz and University of Belgrade, Novi Sad and Kragujevac including ReFEEHS interprofessional education (IPE) working group team leader (prof. Imre Boncz) presented and discussed ideas and experiences within the scope of IPE including brainstorming of IPE working group further activities. The IPE survey was suggested and the first draft of the survey questionnaire was prepared.
Further cooperation and networking along with possible models for the future activities, as well as innovation in education and knowledge transfer within the ReFEEHS project were discussed.
See gallery.

Visit 1 to Trinity College Dublin (March 28-30, 2016)
Five Serbian academic staff members visited Trinity College Dublin during the period March 28-30, 2016. Representatives of Serbian universities were Dušanka Krajnović and Marina Odalović (University of Belgrade), Vladimir Jakovljević (University of Kragujevac), Nikola Stefanović (University of Niš) and Milica Atanacković Krstonošić (University of Novi Sad).
Prof Martin Henman from Trinity College Dublin together with academic staff from the Centre for the Practice of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, was the host of this study visit. Serbian representatives had great opportunity to participate in the following activities: observation of junior sophister OSCEs, PebblePad demonstration, observation of clinical skills SF class at Boots facility, ComSkills demonstration, review of the first year work experience, review of design and governance of five year integrated program and observation of OSCEs of senior sophister student group.
Agenda is available here.
See gallery.